Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Observation 3.2

Week of Jan 19 - Jan 25 (4 hr)
This week's stargaze  took place on clear, chilly night. We first observed Mercury which recently became visible in the night sky close to the horizon just after sunset. Ten degrees away, Fomalhaut, the brightest star in Pisces Austrinus was also visible among the trees. Given the favorable conditions, we were able to spot a few meteors as well as two Iridium flares from satellites. Using the telescope, we were able to observe Jupiter and its Galilean moons: Callisto, Io, Europa, and Ganymede. 
We also observed:
M42, the Orion Nebula, in the heart of the constellation of Orion. 
M45, Pleiades, the most visible cluster to the naked eye, located in the constellation of Taurus
M31, Andromeda Galaxy, next nearest spiral galaxy, located in the constellation of Andromeda

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