Friday, January 31, 2014

APOD 3.3

The image below shows the spiral galaxy M83 (otherwise known as The Southern Pinwheel). This is one of the closest and brightest spiral galaxies in the sky. It is located in the constellation of Hydra (visible in April at 9 PM) and it is easily observed with binoculars. M83 is located 15 million light-years away. It is the perfect place to observe supernova remnants as well as the various stages of the stellar birth and death (spanning over 50,000 light-years). The newest generation of stars (roughly 1 million years old) are visible in large clusters at the edge of the spiral arms. The surrounding gas clouds absorb the ultraviolet light that these stars generate which gives the galaxy the spots of pink light. The stellar winds from the youngest, most massive stars blow away some of this gas revealing bright blue star clusters. The older stars in the galaxy appear yellow or orange.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Observation 3.2

Week of Jan 19 - Jan 25 (4 hr)
This week's stargaze  took place on clear, chilly night. We first observed Mercury which recently became visible in the night sky close to the horizon just after sunset. Ten degrees away, Fomalhaut, the brightest star in Pisces Austrinus was also visible among the trees. Given the favorable conditions, we were able to spot a few meteors as well as two Iridium flares from satellites. Using the telescope, we were able to observe Jupiter and its Galilean moons: Callisto, Io, Europa, and Ganymede. 
We also observed:
M42, the Orion Nebula, in the heart of the constellation of Orion. 
M45, Pleiades, the most visible cluster to the naked eye, located in the constellation of Taurus
M31, Andromeda Galaxy, next nearest spiral galaxy, located in the constellation of Andromeda

Friday, January 24, 2014

APOD 3.2

The image below shows two spiral galaxies, NGC 2207 and IC 2163 colliding into one another. In a few billions of years, one of these galaxies will emerge victorious and survive the collision. During the collision, these galaxies tear each other apart due to tidal forces, creating tides of matter. Shocked gas, dark dust, star formations and cast-away stars are all repercussions of this collision. Gravitational shock waves speed through both the galaxies and the resulting high pressures and high densities act as catalysts for star formation. These galaxies are so vast that during the collision, it very unlikely that any stars or objects will collide. Predictions favor NGC 2207 (pictured left) to engulf the smaller IC 2163 (pictured right).

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Observation 3.1

Week of Jan 12 - Jan 18 (1 hr)
I went out to stargaze on Saturday night; it was chilly, but the skies were clear and there weren't any clouds, bright lights, or other obstructions around me. Jupiter was clearly the brightest object in the sky besides the moon. I spotted Orion by finding the three stars that make up Orion's belt. Within the constellation, I found the contrasting stars of Betelgeuse and Rigel. The constellation of Taurus was in the middle of the sky and its brightest star, Aldebaran, could be clearly seen. I could also observe the constellations of Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Pegasus, Andromeda, and Aries. Because the sky was dark enough and I stayed outside for quite some time, I also spotted a total of three shooting stars, but I did not see any satellites. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

APOD 3.1

The image below shows gegenschein in the night sky over The Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. Gegenschein is an optical phenomena associated with dust in the plane of the planets. It is a faint spot of light in the sky opposite that of the sun. The spectrum of the light coming from that part of the sky is the same as the spectrum of sunlight, therefore confirming that the light is indeed being reflected off of dust grains in the solar system. Gegenschein is fainter than the milky way so in order to see it, it must be completely dark- no moon or street lights or nearby planets. The dust particles are millimeter-sized splinters that are stored in comets and later ejected. These dust particles originated in the early days of our Solar System. They are mostly composed of glass, carbon, and various minerals.

Friday, January 10, 2014

APOD 2.8

The image below shows the release of three CubeSats. CubeSats are miniaturized, "disposable"  satellites designed for space research. The electronic components are typically conventional electronics found in stores and online; they are placed within a volume of no more than 1 liter and weigh up to 1.33 kilograms. This makes CubeSats inexpensive and simple to design and launch into orbit. Because of the low production and launch cost ($65,000 - $80,000), CubeSats have potential to be used by a large number of universities internationally. These three CubeSats were released from the International Space Station in November 2013. The CubeSats will be collecting wide angle imagery of the Earth, testing orbital radio communications, monitoring the Earth's magnetic field, and exploring the Earth's surrounding radiations. Once they finish collecting data within a couple of months to a few years, these CubeSats fall back into Earth's atmosphere and burn up.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

James South Biography

     James South was born in October of 1785 to a pharmaceutical chemist stationed in Southwark, England. After a period of conventional schooling, South turned his career path upon the study of surgery becoming a member of the College of Surgeons. As a surgeon, South was very successful and built up a reputation as an extraordinary surgeon. Upon meeting Captain Huddart however, South veered his attention towards astronomy. Huddart is a famous engineer known for his construction of an equatorial mounting for a telescope made by John Dollond, an English optician. In addition to obtaining this instrument, James South also had in his possession a six inch Gregorian reflector used in the observation of eclipses, occultations and other phenomena.
     In 1816, James South married Charlotte, the niece of Joseph Ellis who happened to be his sole heiress. With the financial burden lifted, South abandoned his surgical profession and began pursuing his passions in astronomy. The funds went into building an observatory at his home on Blackman Street, Borough. In this observatory he had Huddart's instrument, an additional telescope of five inch aperature, and a transit circle made by Edward Troughton. South began his observations with the re-observing of Sir William Herschel's double star in hopes of detecting changes in position with his improved measuring instruments. Two years later, South turned over the Catalog of 380 Stars which was presented to the Royal Astronomical Society in 1824. Herschel and South were awarded gold medals for their achievements in the field of astronomy.
     South delved into his second series of observations, however found that his observatory's location was far from the ideal. He moved his instruments to a small town near Paris. There he discovered 458 new double stars. In 1826, James South began his investigation of the errors of the Solar Tables. These inaccurate Solar Tables were used by many astronomers; their inaccuracy attributed to the heating of instrument of observation. South designed an experiment comparing the accuracy of his equipment after zero to controlled amount (1 hour) of sun exposure. Finding that the error never exceeded 0.045 seconds, South discovered that the inaccuracies were within the Solar Tables themselves. For this achievement, South was awarded the Copely Medal.
     James South moved onto researching Mars' atmosphere. It was hypothesized at the time that Mars had an atmosphere because of the distortion and partial blocking of light that affected nearby stars during appulses. After two close star approaches and one occultation, South studied the diminution of the stars' light and found it to not be as extensive as reported earlier by Cassini. His findings were published in The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 
     In 1829, James South was elected president of the Royal Society and the royal charter was issued to him in 1831. This grant was cause for much unrest and dispute among South and his fellow astronomers. He withdrew from the society left behind by his friends and threatened to permanently leave to France to continue his astronomical studies. In July of 1830 however, James South was knighted by William IV and chose to remain in England. He built another observatory in Kensington and in addition to his former instruments, bought a twelve inch object-glass telescope for one thousand pounds. Troughton finished its equatorial mounting in 1831 but it dismantled because of the telescope's faulty mounting. James South sued Troughton, but lost and dismantled the large telescope to be sold in parts at a local auction.
     South continued his work in the field of astronomy with smaller, casual observations of celestial objects. As he aged, South became visually and aurally impaired. He remained so until his death in his observatory in October of 1867. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

James South Biography Sources

Clerke, Agnes M. "James South." Dictionary of National Biography 1885-1900. Vol. 53. Web.

James South. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. 28. N.p.: Priestley and Weale,        1868. 69-72.

South, James. "On the Extensive Atmosphere of Mars." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society      of London 121 (1831): 417-22. JSTOR. Web.