Friday, November 8, 2013

APOD 2.3

The image below compares planet Earth with an exoplanet- Kepler 78b. Kepler orbits a star about 400 light-years away from Earth, found in the constellation of Cygnus. This planet is most similar to Earth with regard to its size and density. Compared to Earth's mass, Kepler is only 20% larger and Kepler's planet density is most similar to Earth's than any other known planet's. However, many astronomers argue that this planet should not even exist. The entire planet consists of molten lava, however the most unbelievable characteristic of the planet is its distance from the sun. In accordance with the current theories of planet formation, Kepler could not have formed so close to the star it orbits, nor could it have moved to its current radius of orbit. This radius is forty times less than the radius of Mercury's orbit, the planet closest to our sun. Unfortunately for this planet, its star's gravitational force will keep pulling the planet closer and closer until it is eventually enveloped by the star.

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