Thursday, March 27, 2014

APOD 4.1

The image below is one of the constellation of Orion and M78 as well as other bright reflection nebula in the constellation. These include The Witch Head Nebula, Nebula NGC 1435 and Nebula NGC 1999. M78 and NGC 2078 are pictured below while the other reflection nebulae are not. M78 is five light years across and can be observed through a small telescope. M78 is contained in Orion's Molecular Cloud Complex that also contains the Great Nebula in Orion and the Horsehead Nebula. The fractal interstellar dust surrounding these nebulae absorbs light and also reflects the light of recently formed blue stars in the nebula. The same type of light scattering that occurs in our daytime sky occurs in this image creating the bluish hues portrayed in the image. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Henrietta Swan Leavitt Biography

                Just a little over a century ago, astronomer Henrietta Swan Leavitt made a remarkable discovery. Her discovery became a keystone in shaping modern astronomy. However, she was acclaimed only posthumously; she had no reward nor recognition from her peers for her amazing discovery.

                Henrietta Swan Leavitt was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1869. She was the daughter of a Congregational minister which led to her strong role in her church and community. She followed a rigorous course of education from a young age. At age 20 she entered Radcliffe College and studied a broad variety of subjects: classical Greek, fine arts, philosophy, analytical geometry and differential calculus. Her advanced course work and exceptional achievements at school were enough to build a solid foundation for a successful career at school. Several years after graduation, she fell ill and her serious illness left her almost completely deaf. As she recovered from her illness she volunteered at the Harvard College Observatory and seven years later (1893) she was granted employment. However, at the time Henrietta entered the workforce, women were subjected to the prejudice that men were superior. She was labeled as a lowly book-keeping  'computer' in charge of cataloguing the brightness of stars. She earned a mere 25 cents an hour- the pay of a servant. She surpassed the qualifications to be hired as an astronomer or even a junior astronomical researcher, yet she was held back from her full potential because of her gender. She worked in a tight quarters with other female astronomers in a similar position under the leadership of Edward Pickering who "chose his staff to work, not to think" (Payne, AAVSO).

                Early in her career, Leavitt focused on Cepheid variables, a type of star that varies between larger, brighter states and smaller, dimmer ones. Even having personally discovered 2,400 (about half of the known total in her day) new variable stars, she received little recognition. Leavitt is also credited with the development of the Harvard Standard, a standard of photographic measurements that was officially accepted by the International Committe on Photographic Magnitudes in 1913. Her most remarkable recognition (1912) occurred while she was recording the various data on her Cepheid variables. She found an accurate and consistent relationship between the period of a given star's brightness and its absolute magnitude. This simple relationship made it possible, for the first time, to accurately measure stars' distances from Earth. Leavitt's discovery was published under Edward Pickering's name, making only one reference to Leavitt as the person who had simply 'prepared' the data. Leavitt's discovery catalyzed many more discoveries in the astronomical community. Many famous astronomers such as Edwin Hubble and Ejnar Hertzsprung would not have been able to make their contributions to astronomy without Leavitt's discovery.

                Little is known about Leavitt's personal life as she left behind no diaries or memoires and she kept mostly to herself. Her peers remembered her as having a shy disposition so no one could tell how she dealt the frustrations of her debasement because of her gender. However, one of her peers described her as "possessing the best mind at the Observatory" (PBS). She lived so quietly that her death in 1921 went almost completely unnoticed. In 1925 the Swedish mathematician Gösta Mittlag-Leffler wrote her a letter nominating her for the Nobel Prize in Physics for 1926. He was completely unaware that she had passed away four years ago and Harlow Shapley, Pickering's successor attempted to steal her Nobel Prize by replying to Mittlag-Leffler taking credit for Leavitt's discovery.

                Even today, Henrietta Leavitt's name is not as recognized as it should be considering her discovery radically changed modern astronomy. Her only lasting recognition is a minor lunar crater and a virtual space theatre that bear Henrietta Swan Leavitt's name. One can only hope that the day will come when Henrietta Leavitt receives the recognition she deserves.